Me-time, two hours a week just for you

Putting ourselves first: because your well-being is the most important thing. With Figurella you can, without feeling guilty and without giving up everything else, because to reshape our body is enough 2 hours a week.

How many times have we thought about it, but then we never did?

Family, children, home, work, there has always been someone or something that had priority over us. Our body has been affected by these shortcomings and now throwing down those extra pounds is really hard.

But sometimes it takes little to change. To start again, to change – and also to lose weight – need commitment, determination and above all time: let’s give ourselves time to reach the desired goal and start in small steps, becoming protagonists of our well-being and dedicating ourselves 60 minutes just for us twice a week.

Why 60 minutes twice a week?

Because the Figurella session is not only gymnastics and fatigue, it is also pleasure and relaxation. Each session includes three steps: gymnastics, shower and oxygen bath. The Figurella centres are first of all specialised centres and for this reason the physical activity is carried out under the supervision of a professional and under the constant control of an assistant to verify the correct execution.

The exercise programme is designed according to the needs of each of us. After a shower, it is time for an oxygen bath, a moment of relaxation that becomes an all-round beauty treatment. Oxygen has an immediate detoxifying and revitalising effect. By naturally stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, oxygen instantly improves the radiance and compactness of the skin and eliminates the main causes of skin ageing. With the right combination of targeted gymnastics, oxygen treatment and healthy nutrition, the results come already after the first sessions and will help us to keep the motivation high.

The results will be surprising. Once we have achieved our goals we will realize that we have made a real gesture of love to ourselves.

Think about it: two hours a week to devote to your health, your body, yourself. And often a physical change becomes the spring for a deeper change, to awaken the unexpressed potential, the talent, the creativity and the opportunity to take in hand those projects or dreams that had been put aside waiting for the “right” moment.  This is what happened to the women who in these 40 years have relied on Figurella not only to change size, but to “reshape” their lives. The awareness that a proper lifestyle and a healthy body improve every aspect of our lives is the first step to change.

This is what Figurella teaches us every day.

“Loving ourselves is the beginning of an idyll that lasts a lifetime” (Oscar Wilde)

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